Over the past 36 hours, I have encountered 2 idiots in black hatchbacks. It's people like this who drive with such reckless abandon that cause accidents and sometimes worse.
Yesterday afternoon I decided to walk to cross country which was held at Ballanette in Baldrine, and as my house is a mere 2.5 miles away I decided that to walk there would be a great warm up, and to get the adrenalin flowing ahead of the run. The adrenalin certainly got flowing, but it wasn't in the way I expected it to. On the main drag down to Baldrine a black Clio overtook another car and in doing so, missed me by what seemed less than 2 feet. As it was approaching me from behind, the first I knew was when the engine revved to overtake. Had I stumbled, or slipped at that point, it's doubtful I would be here to write this blog the speed the car was being driven.
Then tonight when I was down at the NSC, another idiot, this time in a black Mini was driving on the NSC roadway far in excess of the 10mph speed limit. Fortunately this time it was driving towards me so I could take evasive action.
These are not isolated incidents either, many is the time I have had to jump into hedge bottoms to avoid boy racers. On last year's Parish just after the climb at the Lhen, I had to jump out of the way of an oncoming tractor and trailer which seemed to own the road. Not an easy manoeuvre after 50 miles !
So what can we do to avoid risky moments like this?
Well, there will always be boy racers, there will always be drivers who have monetary lapses of concentration, but as a good mate of mine once said, 'If I ever get run over while I'm out running, it won't be because I'm not visible, I'm lit up like a Christmas Tree when I go out'. The underlying message her is 'BE SEEN'. Make sure you are wearing light, hi-viz or reflective clothing, and when the light is failing stick to well lit paths and routes with pavements. Go equipped with a torch or an alternative light source.
You can't legislate for the idiot drivers out there, but you can do your very best to make sure that you get seen. One last thing I will say on the issue, if you happen to be driving, and encounter walkers, runners, or cyclists for that matter, show them respect and make sure you pass wide and not put them under any unnecessary risk.
A quick training update, in addition to the eventful walk to Ballanette, I ran the short course taking my total distance for the day to 5 miles, and this wasn't without incident either. I lost a shoe on the last leg as I was going round the lake and ended up running in just my sock. Shame the traction on the sock wasn't the best and I ended up slipping on my backside and getting covered in mud. Ah well, it was all good fun, and I have to say, as averse to running as I am , I really enjoyed it and the improved fitness really showed. Bring on the final round at Glen Lough. Must remember to tie my shoes tighter next time !!!
Whilst dodging mentalists in Minis, I managed a number of loops of the NSC roadway to clock up another 10k with a mate from work. So all in all a good couple of days. Rest tomorrow (maybe a touch of skipping), and usual Laxey Prom session on Wednesday. If anyone is in the vicinity and is interested in trying to improve technique or just general fitness, why not come down. 6pm start usually and we generally do an hour.
That's enough for now, but remember STAY SEEN and STAY STAFE.
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