Happy New Year one and all, I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for.
As is tradition in our house, the new year started with the annual Laxey Dip at midday. Standing there on Laxey beach at about 11.45am, it was clear that there were a few people still feeling the effects of some over indulgence from last night. No-one more than a certain 'Banana in Pyjamas' who told me that she had only been persuaded to dip last night when it's abundantly clear she would have agreed to anything. Fair play though, she dipped in full fancy dress outfit and actually stayed in the water longer than the majority of the revellers. Good work Skilly, see you same time same place next year??
I have to admit, I was feeling a tad ropey too, we spent last night at my sister's house where we enjoyed a fantastic meal, and the wine and beer was in plentiful supply. As we saw the New Year in, me and my sister reaffirmed our commitment to the target we set ourselves on 26 June 2011. This was to complete the 2012 walk together, and within a certain timescale. I don't wish to give the time away at this point as I am a firm believer that targets are personal, and I don't want to see it as a millstone round my neck if training doesn't go to plan.
So, now we are into the New Year, PW2012 training commences. At this time of year, I usually try and get out twice a week, typically one of the weekend days, and Wednesday evening, but this year I am aiming for 3 sessions a week, probably squeezing a short walk in on either a Friday or Monday.
On my two previous succesful attempts in 2010 and 2011 I have had a regular training partner, however, although I aim to walk this year with my sister, she is currently in training for the London Marathon and won't actually be doing any walking until that is over in April so I will be training with different people between now and then. I find training in numbers is far better than training alone for various reasons, mainly you don't want to let the other person down but also the banter that you have passes the time, and before you know it, you've been out 3 hours and have a good distance under your belt.
Everyone's training regime is different and I simply aim to get miles under my belt for the first couple of months, but once the weather warms up and the days get longer, I will usually do 4 to 5 sessions a week. Normally one long walk of anywhere between 15 and 25 miles and the remainder are shorter, usually minimum 4 miles, up to around maximum 8 or 9. I won't do anything over 15 miles until around March time though as I don't want to pull anything or damage my feet until they've had time to get up to speed.
I've been doing bits and bobs up to now, and actually did a loop of Ballaragh from my house yesterday which took me around 90 minutes to complete the distance of around 7.5 miles. Living in Laxey is great as there are so many brilliant walks which I fully intend to exploit in my training. The hills aren't bad either!
To be honest, I'm usually carrying a bit too much timber at this time of year (anyone who saw me on Laxey beach this morning will testify that this year is no exception), so the first couple of months are a get in shape and trim down exercise.
So finally, to the title of this post, and another New Year tradition of mine is to stay off the booze and I am therefore now officially on the wagon until my birthday which is midway through February. I will keep you updated with my progress, but usually after the first couple of weeks, I find that it's quite easy to do, and I find it seriously helps with weight loss, and a general feeling of improved well being.
So far so good, not a drop of alcohol has passed my lips for almost 19 hours, just another 49 days to go !!
Thanks for reading !
Hmmm, think there is an issue with the time on this blog. I published this latest post just before 7pm, but it says that it was just before 11am. Will have to look into it and see if I can change it. Don't hold your breath though, I am a bit of a technophobe !!!
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